‼️Account Takeover
OvalEdge and earlier is affected by multiple account takeover vulnerabilities.
Account Takeover - Change local privileged user password (authenticated)
OvalEdge and earlier is affected by an Account Takeover vulnerability via a POST request to /user/updatePassword via the userId and newPsw parameters . Authentication is required.
Example CURL Request
Account Takeover - Change local privileged user email address (authenticated)
OvalEdge and earlier is affected by an Account Takeover vulnerability via a POST request to /profile/updateProfile via the userId and email parameters . Authentication is required.
Once the privileged users email address is updated to an email account the attacker controls, the attacker uses the forgot password feature to reset the victim account password. SMTP must be configured properly for the password reset email to be sent.
Example CURL Request
Account Takeover - Change SAML/SSO privileged user email address (authenticated)
OvalEdge and earlier is affected by an Account Takeover vulnerability via a POST request to /profile/updateProfile via the userId and email parameters . Authentication is required.
In this scenario, the attacker updates their own email address to an off-premise attacker controlled email address. Next, they update the privileged user email address to their own SAML/SSO organizational email address. Logout. Re-Authenticate via SAML/SSO. Attacker has now taken over the privileged user account.
Last updated